Monday, June 23, 2008

Gramercy/Knightsbridge Residences


I recently joined Century Properties, the largest privately owned real estate company in the Philippines.

let me share with you our latest project: Century City (Gramercy Residences/Knightsbridge Residences), check out our websites:

We have condo units for:

1. Studio - as low as Php 15K a month
2. 1 Bedroom - as low as Php 20K a month
3. 2 Bedroom - as low as Php 30K a month
4 3 Bedroom - as low as Php 40K a month

You can also check youtube: Century City with Joey Mead - for the full presentation.

If you have any questions, you can email me,

Thank you very much and hope to hear from you soon.

Warm regards,


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Been there, done that.. Now it's time to be serious..

This weekend was full of disappointments for me, i never believed in jinx before but after this unforgettable weekend, i now do. Here's the reasons why:

1. I have debt collectors left and right, and i don't have any idea on how to pay them. I know this problem is self-inflicted because i overlooked my finances, but it doesn't reached this level before that even if i work for 24 hours straight for 3 months I couldn't pay all my bills.

2. Since i decided to add another job to augment my income (I started to sell real estate, condo projects), and i thought i had a good start (i sold 2 condo units in my first week), all my dreams was shattered yesterday when the clients backed out.

3. I realized am already turning 34 on tuesday, broke, don't have a relationship, barely have any real friends, and my boss in the insurance company is breathing down my neck for new accounts, which I'm so pissed but i couldn't do anything about it because i know that i also needed new accounts to make ends meet.

4. It's so gloomy this sunday, for which my plan of cleaning my room, doing domestic errands, planning my week didn't become a reality. I'm so lazy, i just stared at my laptop downloading porn half of the day, and working out like a zombie at the gym the whole afternoon, which is such a waste because i couldn't stop eating chocolates in between.

5. I couldn't sleep without popping sleeping pills since friday because am so stressed out with what's happening with my life now...almost at the verge of being depressed...

The only saving grace for me this weekend was the homily at church this afternoon. It's that God will never ever forsake us, He will always be there to take care of us, He takes care of even the most useless creature in this world. I was assured that I shouldn't be afraid of what's happening in my life now because I know that there's a reason for all of the disappointments am experiencing now....

Now, to be honest, I am now looking forward the upside of my life...=)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Rules of the Baths

I've found this in one of the website while i was surfing last week (i forgot the site, sorry) and I find it so hilarious. I've already posted this in my friendster account.

They're not really 'rules', but they're fun... Although some of them are really true, like numbers 1,2,6,34, etc...hahahaha... Of course, you don't want to sound overly confident and obnoxious by being so straightforward, people might think of you to be a jerk, so we tend to be polite and make excuses rather than rejecting guys we really don't like.

For those who understand, keep these handy and hilarious tips in mind next time you're at the tubs.

For those who don't, go find someone who can explain it to you.



1. People wearing jockstraps tend to make it with other people wearing jockstraps.

2. Nobody makes it with people wearing pink bikinis.

3. You can have a heart attack fucking in the whirlpool.

4. It is extremely hazardous to your health to attempt to inhale poppers while under water.

5. Saying "I'm resting" to everyone who seeks entry into your room defeats the purpose of
going to the baths.

6. If everyone who said "I don't come here often" was telling the truth, there would be no one there.

7. Those who lay naked on their stomachs with their asses in the air remind one of electric
pencil sharpeners.

8. Conversations in the orgy room should be kept to a minimum. Grunts, groans, notices that
"I'm coming," and invitations to do it in a room instead are acceptable; discussions of the
weather, ex-lovers, favorite lubricants, the quality of the darkness, and the pros and cons
of cockrings are not.
9. If you are looking for a wonderfully spiritual union with a kindred spirit, you are in the wrong place.

10. Do not assume that the guys walking into walls are on some weird new drug; most likely, they have just left their glasses in their lockers. It is better to look good than to see good.

11. Once in a while, do your good deed for the gay: let an old troll suck your cock. Such
magnanimous gestures are duly recorded by the Great Faggot in the Sky, and when you are an old troll, the favors will be returned in kind. Yes, Virginia, that's the way it works.

12. Please realize that bathrooms, even those at the tubs, do have legitimate purposes. Giving
someone a blowjob in a cubicle while outside the locked door seven guys are turning various
shades of green will not make you popular.

13. If you are tempted to wear a Lacoste shirt with your towel, understand that many people would find it a capital offense.

14. Finish what you start.

15. If you see a man in a room with a can of Crisco, a thick belt, and a bottle of poppers neatly
arrayed on the little table, before entering, be certain you know the purpose of all three items.

16. When it's past the wrist is not the time to say "no".

17. It's okay to bring your own rope; it's not okay to tie yourself up.

18. Spending seventy-two consecutive hours at the tubs will neither destroy your reputation nor greatly enhance it.

19. If you are at the baths busily cheating on your lover, don't make a scene should you discover
him there.

20. People who say, "I've never done that before," should be informed that the ability to deep
throat is not genetic.

21. Those who lose the keys to their rooms or lockers are never heard from again.

22. The law of increasing good looks: People tend to become more attractive the longer you are there.

23. In the dark all cats are gray, but ten inches is still better than six inches.

24. Men with small cocks can be sexually tremendous if they are technically proficient, but men
with big dicks don't have to know a damn thing.

25. Doing it for England is as valid a reason for doing it as any.

26. A primitive tribe in Borneo does not have a word for "no" in its language. Natives deny sexual favors by looking mournful and saying, "I'd like to, but I just came."

27. After you've been fucked by twelve guys in the orgy room, you will never again convince
anyone with your coy routine.

28. Asking to borrow someone's cockring is even more tasteless than asking to borrow
someone's comb.

29. Law of maximum discomfort: When they call your room number or locker number to the front desk you will inevitably be in a position impossible to get out of quickly without seriously injuring yourself.

30. You can cause a panic by yelling, "There's a man in room 379!"

31. For a real hoot, go to the baths without having used alcohol or drugs. It is truly amazing how fabulously you will be able to make out when you are the only one there in a solid state.

32. Giggling is not a correct response to, "Wanna fuck?"

33. If you can remember the title of the porno movie that was showing in the "rest section", you did not have a good time.

34. It is pointless to consider why guys who won't even talk to you at the bars are so eager to
suck your cock at the baths.

35. Spending more than two hours with one number at the baths makes you two "an item." More than four hours makes you engaged. On a good night, it is possible to commit bigamy.

36. For some unknown reason, it is considered embarrassing to make it with someone you
already know.

37. No one ever believes the line, "We're really not lovers."

38. At all times, remember that tubbing is a participation, not a spectator sport.

39. Spending hours deciding what to wear to the tubs is a particularly inane waste of time.

40. Never try to explain the baths to heterosexuals.

41. Possession of more than three bath cards makes you a serious faggot.

42. Georgina's law of the weight room: People working out are doing it for your benefit, not theirs.

43. Formal attire means a black jockstrap.

44. Contrary to popular belief, one can indeed be too clean.

45. You can never be too rich, too muscular, or have too big of a dick.

46. Believe it or not, it is possible to have good sex without using poppers. A man in New Jersey claims to do it all the time.

And those are the Rules Of The Baths. Use them wisely and pass the knowledge along to those newcomers who may need it.

Reprinted with permission from FLEX BATHS

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Introduction to this blog...

I started writing journals few years back (as a suggestion by a friend) as a way to enhance my creativity. At first, it's very weird because i really don't know what to write. Night after night, I just write about my daily activities, my frustrations at work, my relationships, then later on, my hopes, dreams and innermost secrets... I eventually realized that writing my journals became a form of therapy for me to "de-stress" myself after a long hard day work.... As a common knowledge, being an agent for an insurance company is a very stressful profession. It's very stressful because you don't know if you're going to earn your keep for the month or not (we all live in commissions), so if you don't sell, you don't eat.... And the bills will just keep on coming every month...Writing really do helped me a lot in expressing what i feel; my frustrations in life (both in personal and professional), my hopes, dreams and joys... That's why i started this blog... At least now, other people will read what i write... If anyone will really do read, well thanks, at least i can share with you my thoughts...

Welcome to my blogsite, blogspot or whatever you want to call it.... I will try to make this as interesting as possible...=)